Extracts from my last 2015 Ofsted report (for 2009 click here):
Summary of key findings for parents
This provision is outstanding
- The childminder provides children with valuable and exciting learning experiences that fire their enthusiasm and curiosity. The quality of teaching is excellent and shows that the childminder has an excellent knowledge of how children learn through play. She challenges them very well, ensuring that they are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage in their learning.
- The childminder uses focused observations of children to plan specific activities that build on the next steps in their learning. Assessments are regular and precise. All children make rapid progress from their starting points. The childminder knows the children very well and takes their interests into account when she plans activities.
- The childminder protects children’s health very well and they are active outdoors each day. Children’s behaviour is excellent and they form close relationships with the childminder. Children are very happy and settled in the childminder’s care. The childminder promotes healthy lifestyle choices extremely well.
- The childminder is highly motivated. She works very effectively with her assistants and the local authority to evaluate the provision and to maintain the high quality. She monitors and reviews individual children’s progress very successfully and shares the information with parents.
- The childminder shares ideas and best practice highly effectively with other early years practitioners. She continually improves children’s learning experiences. The experience and qualifications of the childminder have a very positive impact on children’s valuable learning opportunities.
(Ofsted, 2015)